Lesley 10th August 2020

My earliest memory of Ian was of myself and Janet fighting over who was to get nearest to him in his cot. He was always kind and very social and at ease in any company. Arriving at a party one day when we were in our teens I was feeling awkward as I knew no one. But Ian stepped up, grabbed a dining chair, turned it around so he was sitting on it backwards and immediately had everyone talking and laughing. The latest lovely memories I treasure were his visits out to Australia. He was here for Mark And Karren’s wedding in Adelaide. He’d brought his accordian with him and played one day for the Adelaide Morris Dancers. He so loved his music. We had lunches up with Sarah and Craig in their lovely garden in the Adelaide Hills and also had a wonderful trip to the Flinders Ranges with Lucy and family. And of course my lovely and memorable stays with Anna and family in Melbourne. He was always positive right through his illness and I feel lucky for living in modern times being able to have had our Face Times. But he always had to tell me: ‘keep still, Lel. You’re wiggling your head and I’m feeling seasick’. With all my love, Ian. I will miss you very much. Lesley 💗xxx